Monday, December 9, 2013


大家都會同意雙子座的人有善變的個性,猶如掛斷,猶豫不決,常常拿不定主意。到底是好還是壞呢?可能回想太多, 這也能理解為小心謹慎。不會衝動做決定。但想了太久反而不會勇往直前。

While writing this post my friend sent me the image of the bubble bath we made during the KL trip. I miss the feeling of submerging in it and all the stress and tiredness like sink away instantly. The warm water with bubble and nice smoothing honey smell just drain all your problems away. Plus I enjoy my bath with my favourite beer and nice collection of soft musics. The feeling is beyond words description.

Motivate me to work harder and create my own personal space to chilled and relax at home. Tons of arrangement need to be done at my room......

Actually living a life of my own can be relaxing and sense of freedom. At least I do not need to get pissed of little things, also I do not need to care for others feelings. At least we answer to ourselves. Maybe travelling alone can be a good idea to add on more post and philosophy in life.

We tend to be envy of others getting married and enjoying a different expectation in life. Seeing Esther getting married soon, my alarm clock start to ring. Am I afraid of the commitment or am I too selfish? I did once think of settling down but yet other issue surface. As age catches up, I realise I have more patience in kids as well. And to me the most important factor for a relationship to works is that the 2 party has trust and faith in each other. The guy must also be responsible and take care of his love ones. Being faithful and able to withstand the temptation of the evil world ( LOL ). Yet I am able to do so, just that I cant find the right one that believes in my abilities.

Having feelings for someone is very magical, you can be easily affected. One small action can bring you to cloud nine and another action can also throw your emotions to the depths of hell. Of course when the feelings is make known and you get a positive response, it will evolve into a relationships and slowly nurtures it into a full bloom connection between 2 individuals.

Then again there is a chance of miscommunication, doubts, suspicious and stagnant situation that demolish the magical feeling of love. Eventually there is a chance that the love can last long and till the day we leave each other. I remember hearing this sentence " If you were married to someone you love, would you want her or him to die first? " The answer I have is that if I ever find that someone, I would change my lifestyle to be healthier and would only wish to live one month longer than her. As I would wanna take care of her till the very last minute of her life.

We all need to work, earn money, get a stable and fulfilling career, but all these is for the foundation of able to spend time with the one we love. Able to be there to support and be there for each other. This is the most important achievement in life.......

P.S: Time to arrange a short trip to Batam and chilled out my weekends. I know you will have something to say on this topic. I am really waiting for the right timing LOL. 愛情,其妙的感覺。當我們愛上一個人卻不能有同樣的感覺回應,是件艱難的體驗。。。我們也只能祝福對方好。。。



淡然應付窘狀 為何還是好難
偶爾也會孤單 無數失眠的夜晚
想念你的舊創 也一樣


你眉宇還是飛揚 笑聲還是爽朗
回不去的時光 落下往日的夕陽
我還有什麼能 不一樣

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