Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hello Kitty Fever!!!!!

Is a fun night with my buddies. Jesper Yeo, Jackson Lim, Edwin Ong, Jason Chua SC. We started camping at 10pm at Kovan Mcdonalds. 5 guys, yes I mean 5 guys queuing for the cat with no mouth LOL. And none of us is getting for our girlfriend. Maybe except Edwin haha. Is a great experience and enjoy catching up with all of them. For our own group is a unforgettable night and we realise we are not as young as we think we were. Whahaha.

Anyway I also seen the other side of humans. They were lots of people queuing with elderlies and their parents and kids. I cannot imagine them getting it for profit and sacrificing their rest. Is not easy to stand long hours for adults, not to mentions kids or elders. There were also a lot of unhappy customers and I must say for Kovan Mac the manager handle the explanation and crowd control quite well. I understand there might be a lot of people not getting a chance to buy but is not Mcdonald's fault. Is due to the demand of the market. They did well in considering the low stock volume and not wanting those customers to wait for nothing. Better to know and not waste the time and energy.

I believe I won't have done this if I my buddies were not there. And to get one for the special someone. I did not purchase the quota of 4 sets as I believe is better to give others a chance. 

I also seen young couples the guy trying to purchase with high price for the girl. Is this kind of action that feed the profiteers in this case. Just to get a smile on her face? or avoid an argument you choose to spend the money. Is all up to individual's decision, I am in no position to judge. Just a thought.

Deprived of sleep and rest, yet I find it worthwhile. Quite tired at work. But to see a smile on your face is worth it. Definitely not eating Mac for a month at least. Work is a big stagment at the moment. But hope to bring my attitude and morale up to the level of working damn hard for my own success.

Cheers people.

P.S: I do what I can for people I care, I don't need returns or anybody's view on my action. I do what I feel like doing. I control my life and not you all. LOL


imchacha said...

Thanks for the kitty !
extremely appreciate it ~
you deserve the freedom to do what you want~
do remember, care only the people who care...

Threshold Of An Era said...

Haha that is what i told u lei.

Keep copying my words of wisdom lolx.


I doing things of what I want now, so enjoying the freedom.